AI Applications Hub
The aggregation of AI applications offers centralized management, resource sharing, rapid deployment, and community support, reducing costs, enhancing security, and promoting learning and innovation to aid digital transformation.
Homeserver and Remote Work
With the rise of digital collaboration at home, the Websoft9 hosting platform will reshape remote work, enhancing efficiency and flexibility. Businesses will rely on this platform to adapt to the changing work environment and collaboration needs.
Message Queuing Service
Websoft9 platform freely deploys 50+ open source messaging middleware tools/console such as Kafka, RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, RocketMQ, and provides standard technical support and advice on cluster installation and cloud migration.
Full Web Stack Runtime
Websoft9's containerized runtime environment supports various stacks, enabling developers to quickly build modern web applications. This flexible and efficient solution accelerates digital transformation and unleashes innovation potential.
High Availability Hosting and Operation
软件的高可用性(High Availability, HA)是指确保应用程序和服务的持续运行和最小化停机时间的能力。Websoft9 高可用性托管解决方案包括:工具+咨询+实施+包年运维服务,是一个端到端的解决方案。
Digitalized Business Operations
Digital transformation is essential for enterprises to thrive. Websoft9's products and services help businesses become data-driven, ecosystem-oriented organizations, improving customer interaction and enhancing supply chain efficiency.
IoT Applications
As IoT applications become widespread in enterprises and households, efficient management and integration of devices are needed. This trend enhances convenience but also brings challenges related to data security and resource optimization.
Network and Security
Open-source software provides applications in network and security. The Websoft9 hosting platform integrates various open-source security tools to help businesses build a secure, reliable network environment, enhancing digital transformation efficiency.
Team Chat and Communication
Communication consumes a huge fraction of time in an organization. A recent survey found that knowledge workers spend half of their work day on communication, yet 72% of business leaders observe that their team struggles to communicate effectively.
Digital commerce and ecommerce
Digital commerce, or e-commerce, is transforming the way businesses and consumers interact in the modern economy. The digital landscape offers unparalleled opportunities to reach customers globally, from retail giants to small startups.
Content Marketing and CMS
内容营销需要数十种不同的工具,市场部只有掌握自主权,减少 IT 技术的约束,方可提升效率。Websoft9 平台可以帮助用户建立内容营销主数据,并基础数据构建有价值的内容:解决方案、案例、白皮书、博客等
Office Collaboration and Knowledge Management
用开源的方法和思想,构造开放的企业知识库,是现代化数字组织的制胜法宝。Websoft9 平台提供了可选的知识创造与协作工具,为企业沉淀核心知识提供高效率生产力工具。
DevOps All-in-One
如果想更快、更好地制造软件,DevOps 就是答案。Websoft9 平台提供了开发、构建、交付和监控全生命周期的工具,助力您向 DevOps 转变
Data Analytics
Data-driven decision-making gives small and medium-sized enterprises fact-based insights, helping them optimize operations, enhance efficiency, and make more strategic decisions, thereby strengthening their competitiveness and market adaptability.
智能的自动化技术用于执行人类重复性办公任务,从而实现降低成本、解放生产力的目标。Websoft9 平台和应用提供了常见的自动化技术手段,包括业务流程化、应用集成自动化等工具,实现业务全场景的自动化需求。
Higher education
高等教育的课堂和实验环境,都需要在云上使用开源软件来进行教学。Websoft9 提供了大量的开源软件,可以让老师和学生使用一致性的实验环境,专注于学习而不是安装部署
File Sharing and Enterprise content management
Run secure and efficient document storage and collaboration software based on the Websoft9 platform to facilitate information flow and knowledge sharing among teams, thereby enhancing work efficiency and decision-making capabilities.
Cloud Databases Service
Database hosting for popular databases such as MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and more. It simplifies database management, centralizing operations in one dashboard. Choose your cloud, integrate with ease, scale up or down anytime, and rely on expert support.
Cloud Virtual Desktop and WorkSpaces
Cloud desktops enable users to access their applications and data anytime, anywhere over the Internet by migrating traditional desktop environments to the cloud.
Software Supply Chain
软件供应链聚焦于软件的合规、安全和成本三个方面。Websoft9 本质上是一个聚合的软件供应链服务平台,提供可用的软件产品,并保证可用性和合规,帮助企业从复杂的软件供应链管理解脱出来